这次要感谢无论是做蛋糕或是面包都棒棒哒的Michelle Heong分享的食谱。每次看到她分享的牛油蛋糕,我都会流口水,很想吃。这次终于如愿以偿,可以吃个痛快了,哈哈~
250克 牛油
180克 细砂糖
4粒 鸡蛋(AA蛋)
1大匙 牛奶
230克 特幼面粉
1大匙 发粉
1- 预热烤箱至170度。烤盘铺上烘焙纸。
2- 牛油和鸡蛋恢复至室温。混合面粉及发粉并过筛。
3- 低速将牛油与细砂糖打均匀,再改用中速继续打至松发,呈奶油状。
4- 加入鸡蛋,一次一粒,搅拌均匀后再加入另一粒。
5- 加入牛奶,拌匀。
6- 分3次加入面粉,搅拌均匀至面糊无粉颗粒,呈现光泽。
7- 倒入已铺上油纸的8寸烤盘,抹平表面,摇一摇烤盘,让面糊均匀的填满空间,送人已预热的烤箱,以170度烤约50~60分钟,至金黄色便可取出(烤箱的温度只供参考)。
8- 蛋糕出炉后,脱模并除去烘焙纸。置于网架上稍微冷却后,用锡箔纸将蛋糕包起来以保持蛋糕的湿润,隔天食用更美味。
1- 鸡蛋不可加得太快,避免面糊呈豆花状。如出现豆花的情况,可借由使用搅拌刀快速的搅拌,使面糊乳化。
2- 如果面糊油水分离,补救的方法是加入2~3大匙面粉搅拌均匀。
250 g butter
180 g caster sugar
4 eggs (L size)
1 tbsp milk
230 g super fine flour
1 tbsp baking powder
8 inch cake pan
1- Preheat oven to 170⁰C, Grease and line cake pan with baking parchment.
2- Let butter and eggs at the room temperature. Sieve flour and baking powder together.
3- Beat together the butter and sugar with low speed until even. Then turn to medium speed, continue beating until creamy.
4- Beat in the egg, one at a time. Beat thoroughly after each addition.
5- Stir in milk.
6- Fold in sifted ingredients.Stir gently and just until the flour is incorporate and the batter is shiny.
7- Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake in preheated oven at 170⁰C for 50~60 minutes or until golden brown.
8- Remove the cake from oven. Unmould and cool the cake on a wire rack. Wrap the cake with aluminum foil to keep the moist of the cake.
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