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大理石纹牛油蛋糕 / Marble Butter Cake


(A) 基本面糊
150克 牛油(我用金桶牛油)
60克 细砂糖
3个 蛋黄

(B) 白面糊
6克 全脂牛奶
75克 低筋面粉
15克 奶粉
1/4茶匙 发粉


(C) 巧克力面糊
6克 全脂牛奶
45克 低筋面粉
15克 可可粉
15克 巧克力
1/4茶匙 发粉


(D) 蛋白霜
3个 蛋白
40克 细砂糖

1- 预热烤箱140⁰C。将6寸圆形或方形烤模铺上油纸。

2- 制作基本面糊:把(A)的牛油与糖打至呈泛白松发状,加入蛋黄,一次一个,搅拌均匀后,再加入另一个。

3- 把拌匀的基本面糊分成2份(总面糊的60%和40%),分别放在不同的搅拌盆中。
4- 制作白面糊:取较大份(60%)的基本面糊,加入牛奶和粉类,用橡皮刮刀轻拌均匀,备用。

5- 制作巧克力面糊:取另一份(40%)的基本面糊,加入牛奶和粉类,用橡皮刮刀拌匀,再加入溶化巧克力,拌匀备用。

6- 制作蛋白霜:将蛋白搅打至起泡,分3次加入细砂糖,继续搅打至湿性发泡。

7- 将蛋白霜分成2份(一份是总蛋白霜的60%,另一份是40%),取多的一份蛋白霜与白面糊混合均匀。少的一份与巧克力面糊混合均匀。
8- 制作成大理石花纹:从白面糊的中心,用橡皮刮刀将面糊往上刮取,并贴住搅拌盆的边缘。

9. 把巧克力面糊放入白面糊中央,并用贴在搅拌盆边缘的白面糊整个包覆住巧克力面糊。

10. 往面糊中心插入橡皮刮刀,并以上下垂直的方式来回搅拌 3~4次。

11. 轻轻将拌好的大理石面糊舀入铺了烘焙纸的烘盘中。

12. 轻轻地在桌面叩击烘盘底部,让面糊分布均匀。

13. 将烘盘置入已预热至140⁰C(烤箱温度供参考)的烤箱烤约45~50分钟。

1- 事先秤一秤搅拌牛油和蛋白的搅拌盆,将两个搅拌盆的重量记录起来。在搅拌好基本面糊或蛋白霜时,再次把面糊和搅拌盆一起秤,然后将所得的重量减去盆的重量,就是面糊的重量了,然后再乘以60%,就能算出所要的面糊重量了,至于蛋白霜也是一样的算法。

2- 我采用苦甜巧克力,所以蛋糕不甜,若嗜甜者,可酌量增加糖的份量。

(A) Base Batter
150g butter (I used golden churn)
60g caster sugar
3 egg yolks

(B) Original Batter
60% of base batter
6g full cream milk
75g low protein flour
15g milk powder
1/4 tsp baking powder
*Combine and sift together low flour, milk powder and baking powder.

(C) Chocolate Batter
40% of base batter
6g full cream milk
45g low protein flour
15g cocoa powder
15g semi sweet chocolate (melted)
1/4 tsp baking powder
*Combine and sift together low protein flour, cocoa powder and baking powder.

(D) Meringue
3 egg white
40g caster sugar

1- Preheat oven to 140⁰C. Line bottom and side of a 6 inch round cake pan or a square pan with parchment paper.

2- Base Batter: Cream butter and sugar till pale and fluffy. Add in egg yolk one at a time, beat thoroughly after each addition.

3- Divide base batter to two portions. (60% + 40%)

4- Original batter: Combine all the ingredients in (B) together, fold  with spatula till just even.

5- Chocolate batter: Combine all the ingredients in (C) except melted chocolate, fold with spatula. Then stir in melted chocolate till just even.

6- Meringue: Whisk egg white till thick, gradually adding sugar and continue whisking till fluffy and shiny on the surface. (soft peak)

7- Divide the meringue to two potion (60% + 40%). Get the bigger potion mix with original batter and the rest mix with chocolate batter.

8- To form a marble pattern: Using a rubber spatula, scrape the batter from bottom of the original batter and stick the batter to the side of mixing bowl.

9- Place the chocolate batter to the center of original batter, coat the chocolate batter with the original batter.

10- Insert a rubber spatula to the center of the batter, stir vertically for 3~4 time. (don't over stir)

11- Gently spoon the marble batter into a prepared cake pan.

12- Softly knock the pan over a surface of a table to let the batter distribute evenly.

13- Bake in preheated oven at 140⁰C for about 45 ~ 50 minutes.


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