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牛油果蛋糕 / Avocado Cake

离我住所不远的一个商场,有一家专卖以本地水果制作的蛋糕,相当出名。其中最受人欢迎的是他家独创的Cempedak Cake。当然除了本地水果,他们也有采用一些外国水果,如这款牛油果蛋糕,更是让我吃后念念不忘。基于相当贵吃,我下定决心要自己学做。一来可以省下一笔钱,同时也能做出依自己的口味,由内到外,放多多牛油果的蛋糕😋

90克 蛋黄
1/8小匙 盐
40克 牛奶
40克 玉米油
80克 牛油果泥(熟透的牛油果去皮,切小块,用细筛网筛压成泥状)
90克 低筋面粉

190克 蛋白
70克 细砂糖 

500克 动物性淡奶油
35克 细砂糖
2粒 牛油果泥 + 2小匙柠檬汁(搅拌均匀)

1- 将动物性淡奶油与细砂糖打至接近硬性(避免打发过度),加入牛油果泥拌匀。


烤模: 3个6寸脱底圆模(如只要做一个,食谱份量除3就可),或是1个8寸戚风真空模。

1- 预热烤箱150⁰C。低筋面粉过筛。
2- 材料(A)的蛋黄加入盐,用打蛋器搅打均匀备用。
3- 将牛奶与玉米油混合并隔水加热至35⁰C, 趁热慢慢地倒入蛋黄糊内一边倒一边不停搅拌至乳化。
4-  倒入80克的牛油果泥,搅拌均匀。
5- 倒入已过筛的低筋面粉,用打蛋器以不规则方向搅拌成细致的牛油果面糊。
6- 蛋白分3次加入细砂糖,打发至呈小弯勾,细致顺滑的打发状态。
7- 取约1/3份量的蛋白霜,加入牛油果面糊内,轻轻地翻拌均匀。然后将牛油果面糊倒入剩余的蛋白霜里,轻轻地从面糊底部刮起拌匀,成为细致的面糊。
8- 将面糊分成3等份,分别倒入3个不涂油的6寸脱底圆模里。抹平。
9- 将烤模放入已预热的烤箱底层内,以150⁰C 烤约20分钟或表面上色后,再以130~140⁰C 烤约30分钟或至蛋糕熟。
10- 蛋糕出炉后,在桌面上轻震一下,倒扣待凉。蛋糕完全冷却后即可脱模。
11- 将蛋糕横切成两片。把第一片蛋糕放在架子,涂上打发牛油果淡奶油,再把第二片放上。将整个蛋糕涂上一层薄薄的打发奶油,放入冰箱冷藏大约30分钟。(其余的2个蛋糕也是一样做法)
12- 从冰箱取出蛋糕,将剩余的打发牛油果淡奶油涂完整个蛋糕,冷藏3至4小时后切块,以开心果装饰蛋糕表面即可。


90g egg yolks
1/8 tsp salt
40g milk
40g corn oil
80g avocado puree (use a sifter to press and sieve peeled avocado) 
90g low protein flour 

190g egg whites
70g caster sugar

Sandwiched and Topping:
500g UHT whipping cream
35g caster sugar
2 avocado puree + 2 tsp lemon juice (mix well)

1- Whip whipping cream and sugar until stiff peak (Avoid over beating). Add in avocado puree, stir evenly. Chill in the refrigerator for later use.

some roaster pistachio

Baking Tool:
3 x (6 inch loose bottom round moulds)

1- Preheat oven to 150⁰C. Sieve low protein flour.

2- Whisk egg yolks and salt in ingredients (A) until evenly. 

3- Mix milk and corn oil together and heat over a simmering water until 35⁰C. Then slowly pour into the egg yolks mixture, stir until emulsification.

4- Stir in 80g of avocado puree, mix well.

5- Fold in sifted low protein flour, mix till everything is incorporated and smooth.

6- Whip egg white with sugar (one third at a time) until stiff peak. The egg white should be firm and glossy.

Fold 1/3 of the egg whites (meringue) into the egg yolk mixture. Then pour the egg yolk mixture into the remain meringue, fold gently to form a very smooth and foamy batter.

8- Divided the batter into 3 equal potion. Pour the batter into 3 ungreased 6 inch loose bottom round moulds separately. 

9- Bake the cake in bottom of the oven at 150⁰C in 20 minutes or until the top is golden brown. Then turn to 130~140⁰C for another 30 minutes. (The baking temperature varies depending on each oven)

10- Remove the cake from oven, tap the cake on tabletop to tap out the internal heat. Invert the cake to cool completely. Then unmould the cake.

11- Slice the cake into 2 layers horizontally. Sandwich the cake layers with the whipped avocado cream. Then cover the whole cake with a thin layer whipped avocado cream. Chill for 30 minutes. (Do the same method to the other two cakes)

12- Removed the cakes from refrigerator, cover the cakes with another thick layer of the remained whipped avocado cream. Chill for about 3 to 4 hours. Cut the cake and garnish with some pistachio before served.


  1. hi, 请问你用的动物性奶油是什么牌子的? 因为我每次用动物性的都会融化,所以每次就用植物。。。 但植物的又不是很好吃。。。。


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