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日式草莓蛋糕 / Japanese Strawberry Shortcake


4个 蛋黄
20克 细砂糖
几滴红色素 (可以不放或以红麹粉替代)
40克 鲜奶
40克 玉米油
45克 低筋面粉(过筛)
15克 玉米粉

4个 蛋白
1/8小匙 盐
60克 细砂糖

一个9 x 11寸(23 x 27.5 cm)长方型烤盘

200克 动物性淡奶油
23克 细砂糖

1- 将抹面用的动物性淡奶油与糖打发至接近硬性(避免打发过度)。
2- 将打发的淡奶油、草莓等放入冰箱冷藏备用。

1- 预热烤箱150⁰C。烤盘涂油并铺上油纸。
2- 将(A)的蛋黄与细砂糖搅拌至糖溶解。拌入鲜草莓汁与红色素,拌匀。
3- 加入牛奶与玉米油,搅拌均匀。
4- 加入过筛的低筋面粉和玉米粉,用打蛋器轻拌至无粉颗粒即可。如颜色太浅可再加几滴红色素。
5- 将(B)的蛋白打发,并分3次加入细砂糖,继续打至能拉起直立略弯的弯钩。
6- 取1/2的蛋白霜加入蛋黄面糊里,稍微翻拌后,倒入剩余的蛋白霜内,轻拌均匀。
7- 将面糊倒入铺了油纸的烤盘内,放进烤箱中间层,以140⁰C烘烤25~30分钟。(烤箱温度只供参考)
8- 蛋糕出炉后,脱模,倒扣,去掉油纸(蛋糕最好倒扣在油纸或防粘的烘焙布上),放在网架上待凉。
9- 蛋糕完全冷却后,将蛋糕四边修切整齐,再把蛋糕横切成三片相等的长方片。
10- 把第一片蛋糕放在蛋糕架上,涂上打发淡奶油,铺上草莓片。再将第二片蛋糕放在草莓片上,重复第一片的步骤至第三片蛋糕,在蛋糕表面涂上一层薄薄的打发淡奶油后,放入冰箱冷藏大约30分钟。
11- 从冰箱取出蛋糕,将剩余的打发淡奶油涂在蛋糕表面,抹平后切块,以半边的草莓装饰蛋糕表面即可。冷藏后味道更佳。

4 egg yolks
20g caster sugar
2 tbsp strawberry juice (blend some fresh strawberries in a blender, sieve for the juice)
A few drops of red food colouring (can replace with red yeast rice powder)
40g full cream milk
40g corn oil
45g low protein flour 
15g corn flour

4 egg whites
1/8 tsp salt
60g caster sugar

A rectangle baking pan 23 x 27.5 cm (a slightly smaller or bigger pan is fine too)

Topping and garnish
200 ml whipping cream (chilled)
23g caster sugar
some sliced fresh strawberries
some strawberries (cut into half)

1- Whip whipping cream and sugar until stiff peak (Avoid over beating).
2- Chill strawberries and whipped cream in the refrigerator for later use.

1- Preheat the oven at 150C. Greased and lined the baking pan.

2- Whisk egg yolks and sugar until the sugar dissolves. Add strawberry juice and red food colouring, mix well.

3- Add milk and oil, mix well to combine. 

4- Sift sifted flour and corn flour into the egg yolk mixture, whisk until everything is incorporated and smooth, with no visible lumps. If the colour isn't strong enough, add more food colouring. (You can try with natural food colouring such as beetroot or red yeast rice powder)

5- Whip egg whites with salt and sugar until stiff peak. The egg white should be firm and glossy.

6- Fold 1/2 of the egg whites (meringue) into the egg yolk mixture. Then pour the egg yolk mixture into the remain meringue, fold gently to form a very smooth and foamy batter.

7- Pour the batter into prepared baking pan. Bake the cake in middle of the oven at 140C in 25~30 minutes until the top is golden brown and spring back when lightly pressed. (The baking temperature varies depending on each oven)

8- Unmould the cake from pan, remove parchment paper. Let cool completely.

9- Once the cake completely cooled, trim the edges and cut the cake in three equal rectangle pieces.

10- Place first piece of cake on a cake stand. Frost the top of the cake with a layer of whipped cream. Lay strawberry slices on top of the cream. Place the second cake piece on top. Repeat the steps of the first piece cake until to the third cake piece. Frost the top of the cake with a thin layer of whipped cream. Then refrigerate the cake for about 30 minutes for the cream to set.

11- Removed the cake from refrigerator, frost the top of the cake with the rest of the cream. Cut the cake into small servings and garnish each small piece with strawberry. Keep the cake refrigerated before served.


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