(A) 1包 长条形意大利面
1汤匙 盐
(B) 1罐 Prego 传统意大利面酱
1/2罐 Prego 番茄、罗勒叶与蒜头混合意大利面酱
1粒 大马铃薯(切丁)
1粒 大洋葱(切末)
1盒 鲜蘑菇(切厚片)
1/2杯 水
(C) 5粒 鸡蛋(打散)
5条 香肠
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意大利面的一部份材料 |
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左边青色瓶的是初榨橄榄油,右边的是纯净橄榄油 |
1. 煮面条:煮一锅的水,水滚后,倒入一些橄榄油,再加入一汤匙的盐,然后开着锅盖,根据包装纸注明的时间煮面条,大约10~12分钟,或是煮至面条软中带有嚼劲,吃起来没有面粉的味道即可。
2. 将面条捞起,过冷水,然后倒入2~3汤匙的初榨橄榄油,拌匀。
4. 以适量的糖和盐调味,最后加入鲜蘑菇片,拌匀,稍煮片刻至蘑菇熟透即可。撒入少许的罗勒叶香料,将酱汁移至保温锅里保温。
5. 准备配料:鸡蛋打散,倒入平底锅煎至刚刚熟即可,切碎,起锅。将香肠略煎一煎,切厚片,备用。
6. 吃时,取面条,铺上鸡蛋碎及香肠片,再淋上番茄汁酱,拌匀,即可开动啰!
(A) 1 pack of spaghetti
water (for cook pasta)
pure olive oil (for cook pasta)
1 tbsp salt
extra virgin olive oil (for toes pasta)
(B) 1 bottel of Prego Traditional pasta sauce
1 bottle of Prego Tomato Basil & Garlic pasta sauce
1 big potato (diced)
1 big onion (chopped)
1 box fresh mushroom (slice)
salt and sugar to taste
1/2 cup of water
basil leaves
(C) 5 eggs (whisked)
5 sausages
1. The pasta: Bring a large pot of water to boil, add a little olive oil and salt, slowly add the pasta, stirring to prevent clumping. Cook, uncovered, for as long as the direction on the pasta package say, usually about 10 to 12 minutes or until the pasta is al dente (cooked but still a little firm).
2. Drain the pasta and cool under cold running water, drain the pasta again, put 2~3 tbsp olive oil and toss gently.
3. The sauce: In a skillet saute the onions until the onions are translucent, add in potato cubes, fry until slightly browned. Pour in the pasta sauce, add some water and cook until boil.
4. Add in sugar and salt. Last, add in the fresh mushrooms and basil leaves, leave it to boil until the mushrooms are cooked.
5. The topping:Heat a nonstick saucepan over medium low-heat, pour in the eggs and let the egg cook until the bottom starts to set, gently stirring and turning the egg until uncooked parts become firm, break up the egg to pieces, transfer to a plate when the eggs are set but still moist and soft. Place the sausages to a skillet and then turn the heat to medium, cook ,stirring occasionally until slightly browned, slice it all.
6. Plate the pasta and top with eggs and sausages, spoon sauce over the pasta and sprinkle with basil leaves. Serves
1. 煮面条时,可依据个人的口味来决定面条的软硬度。要不时的轻轻搅拌面条,以免面条贴在锅底。
2. 放进锅里煮的橄榄油与拌面条的橄榄油其实是有分别的,不过,如果嫌麻烦,煮面条时,可采用普通食油即可。当然如要用食油来拌面条也没什么不能。
3. 酱料里的糖的份量是视个人对酸甜的接受程度而做调整,嗜酸者,就减少糖的份量,相反之,就增加糖的份量吧!
4. 除了罗勒叶香料,也可加入其它你所喜爱的意大利面香料如: 荷兰芹(parsley)等。
6. 如没有鲜蘑菇,也可用罐头蘑菇替代。
5. 也可以尝试不同的面条如:螺旋面、蝴蝶面等。
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从左到右:长条形意大利面、螺旋面、蝴蝶面 |
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