500毫升 全脂牛奶
25克 牛油(我用有盐牛油)
180克 细砂糖
125克 中筋面粉
1颗 全蛋 + 2颗 蛋黄
50毫升 兰姆酒
1支 香草荚(取出香草籽和果荚)
1- 将牛奶、牛油、香草籽与果荚一起加热至微滚,熄火,稍微放凉 (大约至75度)。
2- 全蛋与蛋黄搅打均匀,备用。
3- 混合面粉与糖,将一半的温牛奶(做法2)倒入,搅拌均匀。拌入蛋液,再倒入剩余的牛奶,继续拌匀至面糊呈光滑无颗粒状。放凉后拌入兰姆酒。
4- 面糊盖上保鲜膜,放入冰箱静置至少24小时。
5- 预热烤箱至250⁰C。将模具涂上一层较厚的牛油(为了烤出焦糖风味的外壳)。
6- 将面糊从冰箱取出,轻微搅拌均匀,过滤并丢弃香草荚, 倒入模具中至9分满。
7- 面糊进入烤箱后,将温度降至230⁰C,烤10分钟至表面的面糊结皮定型。
8- 将烤箱温度降至180⁰C,烤50分钟至面糊完全定型并呈焦糖的颜色。
9- 出炉后,立刻倒扣脱模。待卡纳蕾冷却,表面变脆后再食用。
1- 当天烤出来的卡纳蕾表皮最脆,趁表皮还是酥脆时,尽快吃完。隔天就算再次烘烤,也不及当天的脆。
2- 卡纳蕾的面糊可冷藏24小时以上或更久。从冰箱取出后可以不用回温,直接烘烤。
3- 如果使用无盐牛油,可在面糊里加入一小撮盐。
Ingredients :
500 ml full cream milk
25 g butter (salted)
180 g caster sugar
125 g all purpose flour
1 whole egg + 2 egg yolks
50 ml rum
1 vanilla pod (cut and scrape out the beans)
1- Place the milk, butter, vanilla bean and its pod in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Removed from the heat and let it cool a little (about 75⁰C).
2- Place the egg and egg yolks into a bowl and beat lightly.
3- Combine the flour and sugar. Pour 1/2 of the warm milk into the dry ingredients, whisk gently. Whisk in the eggs, then the other half of warm milk. Whisk continuously until the batter is smooth. Stir through the rum when the batter is cool.
4- Cover the bowl with cling film and leave in the fridge for at lease 24 hours.
5- Preheat the oven to 250⁰C. Grease the baking mould with a thick layer butter.
6- Removed the batter from the fridge and give it a gentle mix. Strain the batter and throw away the vanilla pod. Pour the batter into the mould (about 4/5 full).
7- Once the mould is place into the oven, reduce the heat to 230⁰C, bake for 10 minutes.
8- Reduce the oven to 180⁰C and bake for a further 50 minutes until the cakes have achieved a golden, bronze colour.
9- Remove the cakes immediately from the mould and leave them to cool on a wire rack before served.
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