这款蛋糕跟之前的 三色戚风蛋糕 有同工异曲之别。一样的食谱,一样的做法,不同的只是在于做图案的方式,并把抹茶粉和甜菜根粉换成两种颜色深浅的可可粉,就能做出颜色协调,图案美丽的戚风蛋糕了。这就是戚风蛋糕的魅力,一点点的小改变,就能变化出各式口味与视觉效果上的差异,这是不是很棒呢?
100克 蛋黄
1/8小匙 盐
80克 鲜奶
45克 玉米油
100克 低筋面粉(过筛)
1小匙 浅色可可粉
1小匙 深色可可粉
210克 蛋白
100克 细砂糖
1- 预热烤箱150⁰C。
2- 材料(A)的蛋黄加入盐,用打蛋器搅打均匀备用。
3- 将鲜奶与玉米油混合并隔水加热至35⁰C,趁热慢慢地倒入蛋黄糊内,一边倒一边不停搅拌至乳化。
4- 倒入过筛的低筋面粉,用打蛋器以不规则方向搅拌成细致蛋黄面糊。
5- 从做法(4)中取出2分各100克的面糊,分别加入浅色可可粉和深色可可粉,调成两种颜色深浅不同的可可面糊。
6- 蛋白分3次加入细砂糖,打发至呈小弯勾,细致顺滑的状态。
7- 取两份各约100克的蛋白霜,分别分2次加入做法(5)的浅色和深色的可可面糊内,轻拌均匀。
8- 将剩余的蛋白霜加入做法(4)剩余的原味蛋黄糊内,轻拌均匀。
9- 将3种不同颜色的面糊随意的舀入不涂油的8寸(20 cm)戚风模内。将烤模在桌面上轻震几下以震出大气泡。
10- 将烤模放入已预热的烤箱内,以150⁰C烤约35~40分钟。(烤箱温度只供参考)
11- 蛋糕出炉后,在桌面上轻震几下,倒扣待凉。蛋糕完全冷却后即可脱模。
100g egg yolks
1/8 tsp salt
80g full cream milk
45g corn oil
100g low protein flour (sieved)
1 tsp cocoa powder
1 tsp extra dark cocoa powder
210g egg white
100g caster sugar
1- Preheat oven at 150⁰C.
2- Whisk egg yolks and salt in ingredients (A) until evenly.
3- Mix milk and corn oil together and heat over a simmering water until 35⁰C. Then slowly pour into the egg yolks mixture, stir until emulsification.
4- Fold in sifted low protein flour, mix till everything is incorporated and smooth.
5- Scoop out two potion of 100 g batter in method (4). Add into cocoa powder and extra dark cocoa powder separately to form a light and dark cocoa batter.
6- Whip egg white with sugar (one third at a time) until stiff peak. The egg white should be firm and glossy.
7- Scoop out two potion of 100 g meringue, fold into light and dark cocoa batter separately, mix until evenly.
8- Add the remain meringue into the the remain original batter, mix until evenly.
9- Scoop the three different colour batter into a 8 inch ungrease chiffon cake mould randomly. Tap the cake mould on tabletop to burst air bubbles.
10- Bake the cake at 150⁰C for 35~40 minutes. (The baking temperature depending on each oven)
11- Remove the cake from oven, tap the cake on tabletop to tap out the internal heat. Invert the cake to cool completely. Then unmould the cake.
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