最近常下雨,冷冷的气候,难免会让人想吃些重口味的蛋糕来。。。是的, 牛油蛋糕啊——我家的常客,久不久就会出现一次的蛋糕。
这次用的还是娘家Jaclyn San 的食谱,我也学学姐妹们,把蛋糕做成斑马纹。虽然是蛮费工的,但看到成品时,真是赏心悦目,还真有点舍不得吃呢!
250克 金桶牛油
100克 细砂糖
5个 蛋黄
20克 全脂牛奶
200克 普通面粉(我用低粉)
50克 奶粉
1小匙 发粉
5个 蛋白
50克 细砂糖
1汤匙 可可粉
1- 混合并过筛面粉、奶粉和发粉。
2- 将A用电动搅拌机打至泛白松发,分三次加入蛋黄打均匀,交替加入已筛过的粉类和牛奶,用刮刀拌均匀。
3- 将C 打至硬性发泡。
4- 取出一半的蛋白霜加入2的面糊里拌匀,再将面糊倒入剩余的蛋白霜用刮刀充分拌匀。
5- 把拌好的面糊分成两份,将其中一份加入可可粉拌匀。
6- 分别用两只汤匙,以一汤匙原味的,接着一汤匙可可味的,顺序置入铺了油纸的8寸圆模的正中央,直到面糊放完。
7- 以140⁰C,上下火烘50-60分钟(温度及时间只供参考)。
8- 蛋糕出炉后,脱模并除去油纸,置于网架上冷却。
1- 除了用汤匙,也可以将面糊分别装入两个挤花袋里,接着顺序的将两种面糊重叠地挤在烤模的正中央,然后用汤匙稍微抚平或是轻轻摇晃烤模好让面糊向四周散开来。
250g Golden Churn butter
100g caster sugar
Ingredients B:
5 egg yolks
20g full cream milk
200g flour
50g milk powder
1 tsp baking powder
Ingredients C:
5 egg white
50g caster sugar
Ingredient D:
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1- Combine and sift together flour, milk powder and baking powder.
2- Using electric mixer beat ingredients (A) till pale and fluffy. Add egg yolks in three additions. Beat thoroughly after each addition. Fold in sifted ingredients, alternately stir in milk.
3- Beat ingredients (C) till stiff peak.
4- Scoop half meringue to egg yolks batter, mix gently. Then pour the egg yolks mixture to the remain meringue, fold gently till well blended.
5- Divide the batter to two potions. Mix one potion with cocoa powder.
6- Using two spoons, scoop a spoon of plain batter to the center of 8-inch (20 cm) lined cake pan. Then using another spoon to scoop a spoon cocoa batter over the plain batter. Use the back of spoon to smooth out the batter a bit. Alternate the two batter until done.
7- Bake in a preheated oven at 140⁰C for 50~60 minutes.
8- Remove the cake from oven. Unmould and cool the cake completely on a wire rack.
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做了三次,感觉一次比一次进步,真的是要多做,多练习啊~ |
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第二次的成品 |