材料 (A):
33克 奶油芝士
40克 牛奶
4个 蛋黄
7克 细砂糖
16克 栗油
43克 面粉
材料 (B):
1/8茶匙 塔塔粉
40克 细砂糖
一小撮匙 盐
1. 将奶油芝士与牛奶放在煮着的热水上,隔着热水搅煮至浓稠,待冷备用。
2. 搅拌蛋黄与糖至浓稠,加入步骤(1)的奶油芝士混合物与玉米油拌匀,再加入面粉,轻拌均匀,备用。
3. 将蛋白与塔塔粉搅打至发泡,分2次加入糖与盐继续搅打至湿性发泡。
4. 将打好的蛋白糊分两次加入蛋黄糊中拌匀。
5. 将面糊倒入已铺了油纸的11寸 X 9寸(28x23x3公分)的烘盘里,以175°C 烤20分钟。
6. 烘好后,立刻将蛋糕移至网架上,并撕开四边蛋糕纸散热。
7. 待5分钟左右,在蛋糕体表面盖上一张大于蛋糕体的蛋糕纸,将蛋糕体翻面,接着撕掉蛋糕纸。
8. 再盖上一张蛋糕纸,慢慢将蛋糕体再次翻面。此时蛋糕体上色的一面又恢复成正面。将蛋糕体尾端斜切,切除蛋糕体开始卷起一端的不规则边缘。
9. 将芝士馅铺在蛋糕体上,用抹刀轻轻地将芝士馅抹匀。
10. 将擀面棍卷在蛋糕纸内,接着将擀面棍抬高,置于蛋糕体上方,双手边卷蛋糕的纸时,蛋糕体则顺势向前卷起,即成圆柱体。
11. 卷完后,用保鲜膜包住蛋糕体,两端稍微扭紧,冷藏30~60分钟,让蛋糕卷定型即可。
Ingredients (A):
33g cream cheese
40g milk
4 egg yolk
7g sugar
16g corn oil
43g plain flour
Ingredients (B):
3 egg white
1/8tsp cream of tartar
40g sugar
a pinch of salt
1. Stirring cream cheese and milk over simmering water(double boil) until slightly thickened, keep aside.
2. Beat egg yolks and sugar until slightly thickened, stir in step (1) cheese mixture and corn oil, then fold in the flour, mix until well combine.
3. Beat egg white and cream of tartar until foamy, gradually add in sugar, beating until mixture forms soft peaks.
4. Using rubber spatula, gradually fold beaten egg white into egg yolk mixture until blended.
5. Pour the batter into a 11"x9" (28x23x3cm) lined Swiss roll mould. Bake at 175°C for 20 minutes.
6. Place the cake on a wire rack, peel off the paper from the four corner of the cake, leave to cool.
7. After 5 minutes, cover the cake with a bigger piece of greased proof paper and invert onto it. Carefully peel off the paper from the bottom of the cake.
8. Turn again the cake onto a big piece of greased proof paper. Trim the crusty edges.
9. Spread the filling on top of the cake.
10. Carefully roll up the cake.
11. Wrap the cake with cling wrap, chill in the fridge for 30~60 minutes before serving.
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烤盘铺纸的方式 |
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奶油芝士 |
芝士馅 / Cream Fillings材料:
62克 奶油芝士
20克 糖粉
20g 牛油
1/2汤匙 柠檬汁
1/2 粒 柠檬皮屑
62g cream cheese
20g icing sugar
20g butter
1/2tbsp lemon juice
1/2 lemon zest
Beat cream cheese until smooth. Add in icing sugar, cream until well-blended. Add in butter, cream until light and smooth. Add in lemon juice and lemon zest mix until well-blended. chill before used.
1. 隔水搅煮奶油芝士与牛奶时,一定要搅拌至奶油芝士完全溶化。
2. 只要蛋白够冰冷,搅打时可以不放塔塔粉。
3. 蛋白只需打至接近湿性发泡就好,做出来的蛋糕体在卷时才不容易裂开。
4. 要等蛋糕稍冷却后,才能铺纸翻面,不然正面的表皮会黏在纸上,如要外卷的话,就会不美观。
5. 蛋糕体尾端斜切有助于卷后的封口处更服贴。
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